About Us

Welcome to Grace and Truth Liberia Ministry

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Our Mission

We exist to glorify God and serve Him, to train rural pastors to evangelize the lost, to equip God’s people to exhibit the true characteristics of a disciple of Christ in the World. We believe in the supremacy of God in world missions through an apology

What We Do

Vision Statement

Grace and Truth Ministry is a Bible-believing ministry comprised primarily of Liberians and other African groups joined together by their faith in Jesus Christ as the Savior of mankind, and by our desire to evangelize our fellow Africans and others to the great commandment (Matt. 22: 37-40) and our commitment to the Great Commission (Matt. 28: 19-20). We envision becoming a ministry to seek the glory of God in meeting the needs of hurting, depressed, and confused people through the grace of God and apologetics witnessing.

It is the dream of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with the millions of Liberians, Africans, and others living in Africa.

It is the dream of welcoming 35 new churches a year into the fellowship of our ministry, family-loving, learning, and living in harmony with God and others.

It is a dream of equipping every believer for a significant ministry by helping them develop the gifts and talents God gave them, and the means to utilize these abilities. We desire in developing mature men and women through apologetics skills to reach the lost world.

It is a dream of a place where the hurting, the depressed, the frustrated, the confused, and the needy can find love, acceptance, help, hope, forgiveness, guidance, and encouragement.

Core Values communicate what really matters in a particular church or ministry. There are many great ministries all around the world, but the leaders and members of Grace and Truth know that no two ministries are alike. As the result of prayers and soul searching the following are our values that are inspiring us to action and influencing our overall behaviors.

We believe that the Scripture, both the Old and New Testaments are inspired by God. God is faultless; therefore, the original writing of the Scriptures is without any error, and the Scripture is the final authority of our faith and life as Christians.

Biblical Teaching

We believes in biblical expository preaching and teaching of the Word of God. We value the Word of God above men’s knowledge; therefore, it should be taught with authority, integrity and the power of the Holy Spirit.


We believe that we are created for the glory of God. “Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you! Let the nations be glad and sing for joy!” (Ps. 67: 3-4). Our desire is to glorify God and He is only glorified when He is pleased with us. We exist for God’s glory and we hope to worship Him in spirit and truth.


We believes in providing an atmosphere which strengthens marriages and families. We value healthy relationships between husband and wife, between parents and children, and this is only possible in a family where God’s grace is in place.


We believe that our God is alive and He desires to communicate with us through prayer. We know in order to be effective in doing the things of God our hearts must yield to the will of God and we must be men and women of prayer.

Grace - Orientation

We emphasize the grace of God in all things. We are saved by His grace and are allowed to extend His grace to others. Growth and maturity in Christ is not done by guilt or shame but by the grace of God.

Apologetics - Evangelism
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Spiritual Leadership

A leader is one who influences a specific group of people to move in a God-given direction for the glory of God. We value leaders who are walking in close fellowship with the Lord.


We believe in reaching out to the lost world and give them reasons to believe in Christ. The goal of Christian Apologetics is to get people to change their worldview and accept reality-Christianity. Apologetics evangelism is the hallmark of our ministry because we know the culture believes in knowledge and pluralistic ideas.

Culturally Relevant

We try to adapt our ministry to current needs and trends in African life without compromising biblical absolutes. We understand that we are living in a mixed- culture, but yet we hold the Word of God as our final authority.


We believe that the Scripture, both the Old and New Testaments are inspired by God. God is faultless; therefore, the original writing of the Scriptures is without any error, and the Scripture is the final authority of our faith and life as Christians.